We make the connections that make deals happen.

How We Partner With You

We are a full service commercial loan brokerage specializing in financing solutions for business acquisitions and expansion. We partner with searchers to secure financing for their acquisitions, primarily through SBA loans. Our wide network of SBA Preferred Lending Partners allows us to shop deals to multiple sources, finding the best terms for your transaction. See our Loan Products page for further detail.

Our Value

When it comes to SBA, we truly are a value add. Our SBA lenders pay us directly at close, meaning that there is no fee to you to utilize our services. We do not charge any form of engagement fee.

The value we bring to the table is in our network and our understanding of the SBA and SBA lenders. While all lenders are required to follow the SBA SOP, each has their own unique credit box on top of that. There are hundreds of SBA lenders out there, and sorting through which one will be the best fit for your deal can be time consuming and frustrating.

That’s where we come in. We know which lenders are going to be more comfortable with borrowers who are light on experience, which lenders can deal with heavy discrepancies between the P&L and tax returns, and which are willing to source 100% of the equity injection from the seller note, to name a few examples. We do the legwork of packaging your deal in the most favorable light possible and getting it in front of the the right lending partners.

When to Engage Our Services

It is never too early to start discussing financing options for your search. Understanding what is possible within the framework of SBA is key in order to properly evaluate deal structures during your search. You are welcome to reach out anytime to schedule a call to learn more about our services.

We will be most helpful to you once you reach the LOI stage, at which point we can begin working on a term sheet. To begin conversations with lenders, you will need to provide the following at minimum:

Engagement begins with a signed exclusivity agreement.

Our Loan Products

  • Our SBA lending partners are industry and location agnostic and offer debt amounts between $250k-$8M. Our wide network of SBA Preferred Lending Partners allows us the capability to take on a diverse array of deals.

  • Personal loan options range from $50k-$400k and have an unrestricted use of funds, offering a great SBA alternative for smaller deals.

  • We also offer financing solutions for: working capital, lines of credit, equipment, and commercial real estate.